L’ancien premier Ministre surnommé le « père de la Papouasie », Sir Michael Somare Thomas présente mon livre « Le long-long voyage’ (édition Dakota) au cours du premier festival du Moyen Sepik organisé au village de Palembe.
Invited by our reporter, Marc Dozier, two Papuans – Polobi Palia et Mundeya Kepanga – travelled through France during four months. In a way similar to French writer Montesquieu’s Persian Letters, they have an inquisitive, full of wisdom and humour glimpse into our world and its contradictions. A great expedition related in a documentary scheduled for broadcasting in January on the Canal+ channel.
The 7th of January 2008 at 8:50pm the famous French television, Canal+ broadcasts ‘the reverse exploration’ the 100 minutes documentary produced by Bonne Pioche and co-authored by Jean-Marie Barrère and Marc Dozier which relates the incredible Tour of France by two Papuans, Polobi and Mundeya. It is worth noting that the movie will also be broadcasted-without encryption- on a ragged sheet in august in the little Kobe Dumbiali village In Papua-New Guinea !
French magazine VSD is publishing an article about the amazing trip of two Papuan born, Polobi Palia and Mundeya Kepanga, have come in order to observe a bizarre tribe: the French. VSD N°1583 – 7 pages – Text and pictures: Marc Dozier
Le magazine Grands Reportages publie en juillet 2007 un numéro « Spécial Terres Oubliées » qui reprend quelques uns des meilleures articles sur les régions isolées du globe publiées au cours des cinq dernières années. Une occasion de lire (ou de relire) mon article sur la Nouvelle-Irlande avec une sélection d’images inédites.
The famous French newspaper ‘Le Monde’ publishes today a report on Polobi and Mundeya’s adventures. The French journalist, Annick Cojean, relates with much accuracy their impression after their second long trip in France. Despite being annoyed by the impossibility to take back home all the presents they were offered, the travellers -as sulky as they felt- agreed to give their point of view on the weird French tribe.
Mundiya Kepanga dans Le long-long voyage
Available today in all French libraries: the book ‘The Long Long voyage’ which relates, in pictures, the first travel in France of our Papuan friends. In a way similar to French writer Montesquieu’s Persian Letters, they have a funny and philosophical glimpse into our world and its contradictions. Unidentified book, this piece is available in all the good bookstores. You can also buy it on this website (go to the Shop section), on www.amazon.fr or www.fnac.com.
A great exhibit at the Museum de la Poste in Paris relates the surprising journey of our three friends Polobi, Mundeya and Philip KC in France. A funny travel book displaying their rather mad and initiatory voyage (‘Longlong’ in Papuan)
Musée de la Poste – 34, boulevard de Vaugirard – 75015 Paris – Contact : 01 42 79 24 24 – www.museedelapposte.fr Saturday the 14th of January at 3pm: Conference with Marc Dozier in the auditorium of the Musée de La Poste (free entry).
Major French weekly magazine Le Figaro publishes today a report on Polobi, Mundeya and Philip KC’s journey in France. The magazine devotes five pages to the three explorers’ adventures. A caustic tale of a an incomparable and unique initiatory voyage during their discovery of France. For sale in your local newsstand during one week.
Polobi and Mundeya visited their friend, Looping, owner of the Zen Coiffure hairdressing in Grenoble (France). The France 3 local team shot a two minutes long story on this meeting. The report is scheduled for 7:55 pm tonight.